Penetration Testing Cloud Services

A Comprehensive Guide to Penetration Testing Cloud Services

What is cloud penetration testing?

Cloud penetration testing services assess an organisation’s cloud services for security weaknesses. The aim is to identify vulnerabilities before they can be exploited; vulnerabilities that could otherwise lead to security breaches.

Cloud penetration testing is a type of security testing that is used to identify any weaknesses or vulnerabilities in a cloudbased system. During the testing process, a security expert attempts to gain unauthorized access to data and/or systems to exploit them and identify any security flaws or weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers. This could include identifying potential flaws in cloud infrastructure, configuration management, software development, access control, or other factors.

AWS cloud penetration testing

AWS cloud penetration testing involves testing the various components of an AWS cloud environment for security weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Along with scanning your network to detect technical vulnerabilities, it also involves social engineering and physical security testing. Penetration testing helps organizations identify system vulnerabilities and validate mechanisms for network protection. It also gives insight into system and personnel security by providing auditing services related to security policy, password strength, system and network configurations, authentication, and other security aspects.

Our exhaustive assessment includes, but is not limited to, the following AWS services:

  • Lambda
  • Cloudformation
  • CloudTrail
  • CloudWatch
  • GuardDuty
  • Directconnect
  • EC2
  • EFS
  • Macie
  • RDS
  • S3
  • VPS
  • Lambda
  • Cloudformation
  • CloudTrail
  • CloudWatch
  • GuardDuty
  • Directconnect
  • EC2
  • EFS
  • Macie
  • RDS
  • S3
  • VPS

Azure cloud penetration testing

Azure cloud penetration testing involves testing the security of cloudhosted applications and services. It involves conducting an indepth assessment to identify potential security issues. It includes both manual and automated approaches to assess and identify vulnerabilities. The testing itself may include application testing, network testing, identity and access management testing, and compliance testing. Additionally, it may involve antivirus and malware scanning, as well as intrusion detection and prevention. The main goal is to identify security issues that could be exploited by malicious attackers, as well as best practice security controls that can be implemented to reduce the risk of external threats.

Our exhaustive assessment includes, but is not limited to, the following Azure services:

  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Resource Manager
  • ExpressRoute
  • Azure Virtual Machines
  • Azure File Storage
  • Azure Cache
  • Azure Databricks
  • Azure Active Directory
  • SQL Database, MySQL, and PostgreSQL
  • Azure DNS
  • Virtual Network
  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Monitor
  • Azure Resource Manager
  • ExpressRoute
  • Azure Virtual Machines
  • Azure File Storage
  • Azure Cache
  • Azure Databricks
  • Azure Active Directory
  • SQL Database, MySQL, and PostgreSQL
  • Azure DNS
  • Virtual Network

View Your Web App Test Results Alongside Your Other Threat Services

With Threat Stack, you can easily view your web application test results alongside your other security services in one central dashboard. You can get detailed insights into each test and quickly address any security issues detected, all in one simple interface. Additionally, our powerful monitoring tools enable you to set customized thresholds for alerts and the ability to respond to various levels of security risks. This streamlined process will help you stay on top of your app security and ensure your web apps are performing optimally.

Why should your organisation use penetration testing for cloud services?

  • To Identify Security VulnerabilitiesPenetration testing is an effective way to uncover any security vulnerabilities in your cloud services. This allows businesses to understand what weaknesses exist, allowing them to take preventative action to close these gaps before a malicious actor can exploit them.
  • To Mitigate Risk: IT environments are constantly evolving, and cloud services are no exception. By testing for any underlying vulnerabilities, businesses can minimize the risk of data loss or security breach due to a malicious actor exploiting any weak points in the security system.
  • To Ensure Compliance:Cloud services often come with certain standards and regulations that need to be met in order to ensure compliance. Penetration testing is a great way to assess any potential issues that could be affecting compliance requirements.

Why Rootshell’s Web Application Penetration Testing?

  • CREST-certified pen testing: CREST is an internationally recognised accreditation for penetration testing services. Our CREST-certified testers carry out your penetration testing service and ethical standards.
  • Quality assured: We deliver our penetration testing services to industry standards, such as Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) guidelines, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), and the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES).
  • Expert advice and support: Following your penetration test, our CREST-certified testers provide you with expert guidance and support. You will receive clear reports and advice, along with step-by-step instructions, ensuring you know exactly how to remediate and reduce risk.

Frequently Asked Questions about cloud services penetration testing

What is pentesting for cloud services?

A penetration test simulates a real-world attack on your organisation’s cloud service. This enables you to identify any weaknesses or vulnerabilities so you can improve your defences against a real attack.

Does AWS allow penetration testing?

Yes – we can perform penetration testing on your AWS environment.

Which cloud providers do you offer pentesting for?

Firstly, our CREST-certified testers conduct a manual review of the configuration of your cloud services. They carry out an exhaustive assessment of all the services that may be in use within your cloud environment, looking for any vulnerabilities.

Our testers will then use a combination of automated and manual techniques to attempt to safely exploit any identified vulnerabilities to determine whether they could enable a cyber attack. You will receive expert remediation guidance that ensures any issues are resolved quickly and effectively.

Our testers will also identify and analyse API calls in web applications to ensure that no sensitive data is being exposed.

How is cloud penetration testing carried out?

We offer a range of penetration testing services. Our security consultants can help advise which types of pen testing services your organisation needs.

Our penetration testing services include: Infrastructure Security Testing, Web Application Services Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Assessments, Firewall Audits, Phishing Simulation Assessments, Social Engineering Assessments, Wireless Security Assessments, Operating System Build Reviews, Hardware Device Security Reviews, VOIP Security Testing, SCADA Security Testing, OWASP Mobile Application Testing, and Simulated Attack Assessments.

What penetration testing tools do you use?

Our testers use a combination of automated and manual techniques, which replicate the latest methods used by real-world threat actors.

How often should penetration testing for cloud services be carried out?

If unmaintained, cloud computing can leave your organisation vulnerable to cyber attacks. We recommend conducting a pen test any time you make significant configuration changes to the configuration your cloud services. Our team can advise the best solution for your organisation.

What penetration testing tools do you use?

Our testers use a combination of automated and manual techniques, which replicate the latest methods used by real-world threat actors.

What’s the difference between a pentest and vulnerability scanning?

A penetration test simulates a real-world attack on your organisation’s network, applications, and systems to identify any weaknesses. A pen test is conducted by skilled consultants, who use the same techniques as real-word hackers; you can think of it as ‘ethical hacking’. On the other hand, vulnerability scanning is carried out using automated tools and solely focuses on identifying vulnerabilities within software. Find out more about vulnerability and penetration testing services.

What are continuous penetration testing services?

Rootshell Security’s Continuous Testing services help your organisation maintain and improve its security posture year-round. Our Continuous Testing services provide your organisation with an ongoing, real-time, and holistic security strategy, offering greater protection against cyber threats. Find out more about Continuous Penetration Testing.

What are the types of penetration testing services?

We offer a range of penetration testing services. Our security consultants can help advise which types of pen testing services your organisation needs.

    Contact us today for Penetration Testing Cloud services