We guard your network and data around the clock.

24-7 Managed Endpoint Protection

We continuously defend your endpoints against new attacks. We tighten controls to thwart security threats that are directed at your internal infrastructure and global workforce. Because cyberattacks are becoming more common, it is our responsibility to make sure your network and data are secure.

Asset Protection and Control

Endpoint protection services from Single Point of Contact provide managed, automated, and fully customised endpoint security for a variety of business devices.


Security Management Console

The security management console, which is a component of our services, provides your business with real-time data on the security state of your network, endpoints, and mobile devices, as well as security and administrative capabilities that guard you against threats.


24-7 Security Team

For your convenience, our team of network engineers manages each endpoint to keep them patched and safe at all times. In the event that you run into a technical or security issue, our team is on call around the clock.

A Preemptive Strike Against Cyber Threats

We found that protecting your network against threats is considerably simpler when endpoint protection is adequate. We are aware of the dangers that are present and can assist you in putting the necessary mechanisms in place to counteract them. A tailored endpoint security system made to suit your company’s requirements will be developed by our staff.


The Trusted Security Team since 1999

Single Point of Contact Security Experts is the company our customers turn to when they require the “best of the best” when it comes to security advice. To safeguard our clients’ most important data, our enterprise security consultants have years of experience managing small to complex settings and installing enterprise software. Contact us right now to find out more about how we can shield your company from hackers and the Dark Web.


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