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Our solutions are offered to enterprises through MSPs

If you are interested in Vijilan’s 24/7 threat detection, monitoring and response services but don’t have a Managed Service Provider (MSP), send us a message and our team will contact you to recommend one of our trusted MSP partners based on your needs.


Here are some frequently asked questions about our service offerings:

What is LogScale?

LogScale is a log management platform designed to process and analyze massive amounts of log data in real-time.

What is the role of LogScale in log management?

LogScale’s role in log management is to help SecOps teams get on top of logs from multiple devices, users, applications, and other log sources, and to deliver real-time, large-scale log analytics.

What are the key benefits of LogScale?

The key benefits of LogScale include the ability to process and analyze massive amounts of log data in real-time, customizable dashboards and visualizations, and the ability to set up custom alerts and actions.

What is LogScale Query Language?

LogScale Query Language is a query language and syntax that allows you to extract insights and data from log files in LogScale.

What are LogScale Query Functions?

LogScale Query Functions are built-in functions available in LogScale Query, including common aggregation functions, filters, and more.

What is the LogScale parser?

The LogScale parser is a powerful tool used to extract key data elements from logs and create custom parsers to meet your specific needs.

How does LogScale handle data privacy and security?

LogScale is designed with data privacy and security in mind, with features such as role-based access control, data encryption, and compliance with industry regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA. Additionally, LogScale can be deployed in a variety of deployment models, including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments, giving organizations the flexibility they need to meet their specific security and compliance requirements

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