Intrusion Detection and
Prevention Services

Receive insightful advice 24/7 on properly detecting and handling the cyber dangers of today.

The threat is real. But you are not alone.

The answer to detecting and responding to advanced threats is in a suite of capabilities that provide visibility and insight to abnormal behavior. Learn more about our enterprise level tool that help organizations identify potential threats and improve their security posture.

24-7 Network Monitoring and Intrusion Detection

Our enterprise-level intrusion detection system (IDS) actively monitors your network for strange patterns and behaviours in order to identify possibly hostile activities. If anything is found, an alarm is immediately sent. Our staff is on call around the  clock, so you can rest at night.

Threat Intelligence Integration

Comprehensive threat intelligence from both internal and external sources can enable quick and accurate threat detection and response because threats are dynamic and attack vectors evolve daily.

Endpoint Threat Detection

Get insight on what is happening on your endpoints, we can detect intrusions within minutes. Spear phishing attacks can quickly lead to compromised endpoints. External intrusions can result from unpatched systems or zero day attacks. We provide deep, real-time visibility into endpoint and server activities.

Response Automation

Endpoint Threat Detection and Response (ETDR) increases endpoint visibility and strengthens signature-based solutions’ ability to detect anomalies. The launch of new processes is detected by sensors at the endpoint, which then compare the MD5 (or SHA) hash of the process to see if it has been observed previously or is trusted. This trust list can be built upon a foundation that consists of the US government-maintained National Software Reference Library repository.

A Trusted Security Partner Since 1999

To prevent unauthorised access and breaches that could harm your company’s network, network security can be difficult and demanding. To prevent the most recent dangers from causing havoc, devices must be provisioned, deployed, upgraded, patched, and monitored. To start securing your company’s data and systems, our professionals are prepared to provide consultation and deploy VPNs, AFWs, and firewalls.

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