Falcon LogScale

(formerly known as Humio)

BEST PRACTISES based on the security operations and log analytics methodology developed by Vijilan

Falcon LogScale

(formerly known as Humio)

BEST PRACTISES based on the security operations and log analytics methodology developed by Vijilan


Log management, analytics and SecOps

A crucial, albeit frequently elusive, component of security operations (SecOps) is effective log management. Without it, successful incident response is impossible. A SecOps team may face a substantial challenge managing logs from many devices, users, applications, and other log sources.

A real-time, large-scale log analytics system is provided by Falcon LogScale. Falcon LogScale needs to be implemented with precision and effort to be effective. Based on several customer engagements over the past few years, Vijilan, a seasoned Falcon LogScale partner, has created a tested set of best practises for Falcon LogScale deployment. These procedures are improved by Cyberguard using its own unique technologies. This study examines the best practises for implementing Cyberguard Falcon LogScale and shows their significance for a SecOps team that wants to.


Log management, analytics and SecOps

A crucial, albeit frequently elusive, component of security operations (SecOps) is effective log management. Without it, successful incident response is impossible. A SecOps team may face a substantial challenge managing logs from many devices, users, applications, and other log sources.

A real-time, large-scale log analytics system is provided by Falcon LogScale. Falcon LogScale needs to be implemented with precision and effort to be effective. Based on several customer engagements over the past few years, Vijilan, a seasoned Falcon LogScale partner, has created a tested set of best practises for Falcon LogScale deployment. These procedures are improved by Cyberguard using its own unique technologies. This study examines the best practises for implementing Cyberguard Falcon LogScale and shows their significance for a SecOps team that wants to.


Log management challenges in SecOps

SecOps teams face a number of issues with log management. Log management demands the quick ingestion of significant amounts of log data from numerous sources at high speeds. Managing the expansion in log data sources requires the SecOps team to build up server clusters, which is easier said than done for some systems.

It may also be essential to deploy indexing farms as log data volume increases—and it typically increases exponentially. The process is ballooning due to the storage requirements. Performance issues may have a detrimental impact on the security analysis, which is the goal of the overall project. Engineers may need to be assigned solely to maintaining and updating the infrastructure that supports log management, according to SecOps.


Log management challenges in SecOps

SecOps teams face a number of issues with log management. Log management demands the quick ingestion of significant amounts of log data from numerous sources at high speeds. Managing the expansion in log data sources requires the SecOps team to build up server clusters, which is easier said than done for some systems.

It may also be essential to deploy indexing farms as log data volume increases—and it typically increases exponentially. The process is ballooning due to the storage requirements. Performance issues may have a detrimental impact on the security analysis, which is the goal of the overall project. Engineers may need to be assigned solely to maintaining and updating the infrastructure that supports log management, according to SecOps.


Abstract ​

An answer for efficient log management is provided by Falcon LogScale (formerly Humio). It makes large-scale, real-time log analytics possible, which is essential for both DevOps and Security Operations (SecOps). Longtime Falcon LogScale (formerly Humio) partner Vijilan provides a special Falcon LogScale (formerly Humio) implementation procedure based on best practises and its own proprietary technologies created to ensure Falcon LogScale (formerly Humio) functions at its best. This study examines these best practises and identifies their implications for a SecOps and DevOps team looking to enhance log collection, log storage, and log analytics. While the focus of this work is on SecOps, a similar concept is used for DevOps log logging and storage in Falcon LogScale (formerly Humio).


Abstract ​

An answer for efficient log management is provided by Falcon LogScale (formerly Humio). It makes large-scale, real-time log analytics possible, which is essential for both DevOps and Security Operations (SecOps). Longtime Falcon LogScale (formerly Humio) partner Vijilan provides a special Falcon LogScale (formerly Humio) implementation procedure based on best practises and its own proprietary technologies created to ensure Falcon LogScale (formerly Humio) functions at its best. This study examines these best practises and identifies their implications for a SecOps and DevOps team looking to enhance log collection, log storage, and log analytics. While the focus of this work is on SecOps, a similar concept is used for DevOps log logging and storage in Falcon LogScale (formerly Humio).

Falcon LogScale: Solving log management challenges

The scope and complexity of today’s log management workloads are handled by Falcon LogScale, a contemporary log management platform. Real-time analytics at scale are made possible by Falcon LogScale’s two core differentiators, which are data streaming in an index-free architecture and high compression storage. Falcon LogScale users can ask any question and receive an immediate response from log data thanks to these two aspects working together.

Falcon LogScale: Solving log management challenges

The scope and complexity of today’s log management workloads are handled by Falcon LogScale, a contemporary log management platform. Real-time analytics at scale are made possible by Falcon LogScale’s two core differentiators, which are data streaming in an index-free architecture and high compression storage. Falcon LogScale users can ask any question and receive an immediate response from log data thanks to these two aspects working together.

Best practices for
Falcon LogScale

Cyberguard  has assessed and validated Falcon LogScale as a log management solution for applications and security for over four hundred organizations in finance, healthcare, government, manufacturing, legal and education. A growing set of best practices has emerged from these experiences. When Falcon LogScale is deployed in accordance with best practices, the client enjoys optimal usage of Falcon LogScale, in terms of SecOps results, utilization of IT assets and team productivity.

Falcon LogScale can run ultra-fast searches and queries against raw log data in seconds and presenting the information visually to users. The query window generates results from inputs ranging from a simple text-based search to a multi-variable structured query of billions of records within seconds.

CyberGuard has assessed and validated Falcon LogScale as a log management solution for applications and security for over four hundred organizations in finance, healthcare, government, manufacturing, legal and education. A growing set of best practices has emerged from these experiences. When Falcon LogScale is deployed in accordance with best practices, the client enjoys optimal usage of Falcon LogScale, in terms of SecOps results, utilization of IT assets and team productivity.

Best practices for
Falcon LogScale

Cyberguard  has assessed and validated Falcon LogScale as a log management solution for applications and security for over four hundred organizations in finance, healthcare, government, manufacturing, legal and education. A growing set of best practices has emerged from these experiences. When Falcon LogScale is deployed in accordance with best practices, the client enjoys optimal usage of Falcon LogScale, in terms of SecOps results, utilization of IT assets and team productivity.

Falcon LogScale can run ultra-fast searches and queries against raw log data in seconds and presenting the information visually to users. The query window generates results from inputs ranging from a simple text-based search to a multi-variable structured query of billions of records within seconds.

CyberGuard has assessed and validated Falcon LogScale as a log management solution for applications and security for over four hundred organizations in finance, healthcare, government, manufacturing, legal and education. A growing set of best practices has emerged from these experiences. When Falcon LogScale is deployed in accordance with best practices, the client enjoys optimal usage of Falcon LogScale, in terms of SecOps results, utilization of IT assets and team productivity.


Determine log
integration requirements:
current and future

The development of an architecture definition that covers project requirements is part of the Cyberguard strategy for implementing Falcon LogScale. The Falcon LogScale implementation team must define the log integration requirements as part of this architecture specification, including which logs will be merged. What other technologies and connectors will be required? What are the parsing and normalisation parameters for log data?

This way of thinking and formulating the criteria needs to be applicable to both existing and upcoming log integrations. Future requirements may be impossible to predict with certainty, but planning for potential integration scenarios today is a best practise that will pay dividends when the Falcon LogScale instance inevitably changes over time.


Determine log
integration requirements:
current and future

The development of an architecture definition that covers project requirements is part of the Cyberguard strategy for implementing Falcon LogScale. The Falcon LogScale implementation team must define the log integration requirements as part of this architecture specification, including which logs will be merged. What other technologies and connectors will be required? What are the parsing and normalisation parameters for log data?

This way of thinking and formulating the criteria needs to be applicable to both existing and upcoming log integrations. Future requirements may be impossible to predict with certainty, but planning for potential integration scenarios today is a best practise that will pay dividends when the Falcon LogScale instance inevitably changes over time.


Operationalize log collection

The establishment of log collection is the next step in the implementation process. Threat sensors and cloud connectivity will be installed for this. On a functional level, a data lake is being created into which a vast, varied amount of log data will flow. This requires ingesting, normalising, and “shipping” all the different log data streams into Falcon LogScale.

For both on-premises and cloud log gathering, CyberGuard has a ready-made solution. At this point, collecting historical log data in addition to current and recent data flows is recommended. Old logs can be forensically analysed to give vital details about previous attacks that may not have been noticed. Falcon LogScale’s availability of old log data


Operationalize log collection

The establishment of log collection is the next step in the implementation process. Threat sensors and cloud connectivity will be installed for this. On a functional level, a data lake is being created into which a vast, varied amount of log data will flow. This requires ingesting, normalising, and “shipping” all the different log data streams into Falcon LogScale.

For both on-premises and cloud log gathering, CyberGuard has a ready-made solution. At this point, collecting historical log data in addition to current and recent data flows is recommended. Old logs can be forensically analysed to give vital details about previous attacks that may not have been noticed. Falcon LogScale’s availability of old log data

Determine alerts and align with SecOps staffing and workflows

CyberGuard  collaborates closely with clients on determining alerts for Falcon LogScale users. It is essential that alerts align with SecOps staffing and workflows. For any alert, there needs to be a SecOps team member to deal with it. or the alert needs to feed into an automated incident response system, such as ITSMs olution. These matters because alert fatigue is a major issue in SecOps. Flooding the team with alerts is never optimal. Indeed, the practice can cause important threats to be missed. The best practice is to map the staffing and workflows carefully and design alerts to match those parameters.

Run test cases and provide feedback to SecOps team

Setting up Falcon LogScale is not a push button process. The solution needs tuning. The best practice, therefore, i is a continuous and iterative process with well-defined milestones and goals.

As Falcon LogScale processes the test cases, Vijilan provides feedback to the SecOps team. In this way, Vijilan can get Falcon LogScale properly tuned while simultaneously mentoring the SecOps team on how to improve their log analytics and incident responseprocesses.

Design a log analytics dashboard in alignment with SecOps staffing and workflows

Visualization of Falcon LogScale log management is a key to SecOps effectiveness and team productivity. Vijilan works with Falcon LogScale implementation clients to design and deploy customized dashboards. The best practice is to follow a dashboard development process that includes widget design, mapping of log sources, validation, and documentation.

Identify and train key personnel

People will need to make Falcon LogScale work once it’s deployed. If the client does not already have staff trained for Falcon LogScale , it’s a wise idea to use the implementation project period to identify and train key personnel. Management and admin for Falcon LogScale does not have to be a full-time job. It can be part of someone’s role in SecOps. But someone will need to take responsibility for monitoring Falcon LogScale and its supporting infrastructure.

Document Falcon LogScale log analytics solution for specific SecOps parameters

Documentation tends to be neglected in IT projects, but that does not make it any less important. A Falcon LogScale implementation must be documented to some extent. Because Falcon LogScale already offers documentation of its solution, there is no need to draft a big book to go along with the implementation. A succinct piece of documentation, which highlights the parameters of the implementation, will prove itself to be extremely valuable as the Falcon LogScale instance expands and evolves.

Assess the suitability of outsourcing log monitoring

Outsourcing log monitoring can be a best practice for some organizations. The decision to engage with an external service provider for this workload may arise from a lack of personnel on staff or a desire to focus human resources elsewhere. Given the constraints on SecOps staff and the general difficulty in finding competent employees in this specialized work, letting an outsourced provider handle log monitoring may be a good move.

About Falcon LogScale

Falcon LogScale is built with two key differentiators which make real-time analytics at scale possible: Data-streaming and index-free architecture and high compression storage. This enables customers to ask anything and get instant responses. The Falcon LogScale platform also has a robust ecosystem that integrates with technologies (such as Vijilan) that will allow Falcon LogScale to be used as a security solution among large-scale enterprise and education institutions.

About CyberGuard

CyberGuard is a US-based Limited Liability Company found in Aventura, Florida. Vijilan’s primary Security Operations Centers (SOCs) run 24/7, collecting events from private and public networks globally. CyberGuard operates and stores all US-based customers’ information in the USA. This company is led by a team of engineers, developers, and highly skilled information security professionals, and services more than 500 small and medium businesses (SMB), focused on Banking, Health Care, Government and Education, in the US, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, and the UK.


Getting Falcon LogScale to work effectively means following best practices. With Vijilan as an implementation partner, an organization can realize its goals for real time, large-scale log analytics. SecOps will improve as a result.
Best practices include determining log integration requirements for the present and the future, operationalizing log collection and solving the problem of “log shipping” and determining alerts and aligning them with SecOps staffing and workflows. A well-designed dashboard is essential, as is the process of documentation. sult.

CyberGurad offers its own unique, proprietary toolset to facilitate the implementation in accordance with these best practices, and others, such as running test cases and training key personnel. As these factors come together, a successful Falcon LogScale implementation will be the result.

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